Himi City
(Still Life #14)
This work is a series of photography on the city of Himi, Toyama, Japan.
I visited Japan after I lived in Germany for 9 years with a commission to capture the overview of the city where I have never been before.
What I encountered in the Himi city were the bright women who work for the fish industry, which can be said as the city's main industry. The working women gave a sense of affinity to me whom lived far away from Japan for several years, and at the same time it reminded me of sincere feeling towards my own family.
Furthermore, I have encountered the integrity of the worker as boat manufacturer and his warmest thoughts to his family in his room. The small objects and flowers arranged by his wife exposes a small beauty that lies in daily life.
The booklet Himi City (Still Life #14) consists of photography from the Himi city at fishing harbor, fishing factory, city hall, boat factory, and sushi restaurant with fictional short stories, in which lie in parallel world to the photographic images.